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Support Level: Community
Definition Id: 8baba53d-2fe3-4e33-bc85-210d0eb62884
Latest Version: 0.2.0
Availability: Airbyte Cloud: ❌ | Airbyte OSS: ✅

This page contains the setup guide and reference information for the Zenefits source connector.


Set up Zenefits as a source in Airbyte

For Airbyte OSS

To set up Zenefits as a source in Airbyte Cloud:

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Sources. In the top-right corner, click + New source.
  2. On the Set up the source page, select Zenefits from the Source type dropdown.
  3. For Name, enter a name for the Zenefits connector.
  4. For Token, enter the token you have got from Authentication
  5. Click Set up source.

Supported sync modes

The Zenefits source connector supports the following sync modes:

Supported Streams

You can replicate the following tables using the Zenefits connector:

Data type mapping

Integration TypeAirbyte Type


VersionDatePull RequestSubject
0.2.02023-10-2931946Migrate to Low Code
0.1.02022-08-2414809Initial Release